Our Elders


Andrew Simkin



Rachelle Simkin



Trish Parker


Wayne Thomas


Janine Thomas



Apostolic Advisors

We at Silverdale Church are incredibly grateful for the spiritual oversight, wisdom, and support from our two amazing Apostolic Advisors. They are Pastor Kem Price, from Auckland, New Zealand, and Pastor John Cairns, from Melbourne, Australia.


Kem Price
Apostolic Advisor

Kem Price has led and planted a number of churches across NZ and also held senior roles in the AOG denomination. He resists retirement status and is still busy as ever as a church and mission strategist. He is a mentor to leaders of churches both within New Zealand and abroad. He thoroughly enjoys strengthening leaders, local churches & groups of churches through his consultation & ministry input. He continues to regularly minister in churches across the nation. 


John Cairns
Apostolic Advisor

John Cairns ministers internationally seeing many people saved, healed, and impacted powerfully by the Holy Spirit. John has a passion to help people experience a dynamic relationship with Father God, develop an intimacy with Holy Spirit and move to new levels of faith in Jesus.

He serves as the International Team leader of Leader’s Network International, a family of churches, pastors, leaders, and ministries in over 25 nations. He is an apostolic advisor to many churches around the nations.

He and his wife Heather have a major missions focus into Africa where they operate several Social Justice Initiatives and Programmes.
